The Essential Role of Sugar in Baking Your Recipes

There’s more to baking your favorite recipes with sugar than sweetening them. Each type of sugar plays a crucial role in the final result of your recipe for several reasons beyond just adding a touch of sweetness.

We know you love our sugars because they are the better-for-you choice when it comes to baking your recipes sustainably, but do you know everything else our sugars do for your recipes? Keep reading to find out!

Taste the Molasses Flavor

Our Regenerative Organic Certified® Light Brown Sugar is the life of the molasses party. The molasses infusion gives it an unmistakable richness, akin to a sweet caramel flavor along with the warm hues seen in brown sugar.


Churro Cupcakes

Retain The Perfect Amount of Moisture

When it comes to our Regenerative Organic Certified® Organic Raw Cane Sugar and Organic Light Brown Sugar, you'll find that they each carry their own unique moisture levels. Organic raw cane sugar holds less moisture than light brown sugar. The moisture difference is due to the absence of molasses in organic raw cane sugar. This extra moisture in light brown sugar can work wonders for your baked goods, contributing to their softness and remarkable moisture retention.


Hot Chocolate Cookies

Achieve Just The Right Texture

Brown sugar takes the cake when it comes to caramelization due to its higher molasses content making it more likely to transform into that beautiful golden hue. The molasses not only assists in the browning process but also contributes to a richer, multi-layered caramel flavor that can add a delightful depth to your recipes. On the other hand, organic raw cane sugar possesses its own caramelization potential. Organic raw cane sugar can yield a lighter, subtler caramel flavor that doesn't steal the show, but rather complements the overall taste profile and easily fits into your everyday baking. Whether you prefer the robust caramel flavor of brown sugar or the subtle caramel undertones of organic raw cane sugar, both will make your recipes delicious.

If you’re looking to add texture with just a gentle crunch, our Turbinado Sugar will delightfully complement all the other textures of your recipe due to its large, amber crystals. 

Wanting a silky smooth texture that’s perfect for frostings and icings? Look no further than our Regenerative Organic Certified® Powdered Sugar. 


Vegan Caramel Fondue

A Different Kind of Sweetness

Each type of sugar brings its own distinct level of sweetness to recipes. Organic raw cane sugar has a knack for taking sweetness to the next level. When compared ounce for ounce, it's often noted to be slightly sweeter than brown sugar. The absence of a strong molasses flavor gives organic raw cane sugar the spotlight to let its natural sweetness shine brilliantly. On the flip side, the molasses touch in brown sugar can introduce a subtle complexity that balances the sweetness. Some might find brown sugar to be a tad less sweet than its raw counterpart. This is due to the nuanced molasses undertone, which adds depth to the sweetness profile. Choosing between organic raw cane sugar and brown sugar isn't just about the level of sweetness, but about crafting the ideal taste experience for each recipe.


Hot Chocolate Cookies


Cookies and Cream Fudge Bars